Monday, August 3, 2009

Yes, another book....

How does one man write, edit, and publish three books in one year?

Well aside from the very modern and easy print on demand printer, here is a brief timeline:

1999 moved back to USA with culture shock
2000 started writing every evening after work
2001 stopped writing because it didnt make sense (basically "threw it all away")
2001 meditated on how I could say what I wanted to say
2002 came up with an idea for a book and plotline that would work
2002 wrote almost every weekend and holiday while I worked 40 ~ 60 hours per week (not including my gym time of 3 ~ 12 hrs/wk)
2004 was getting some sideline thoughts so began writing those out sometimes to keep my focus on the novel
2005 had begun working with some readers to get feedback and some editing advice
2006 began the completion of the novel
2007 began the fine edits of the novel
2008 completed the novel, held the book launch
2009 recognized what it takes to make a book, and was able to throw out a non-fiction book in three months (that I had been thinking about for almost twenty years)
2009 found all those things I had written that were sideline thoughts during this intense writing process and put those into a book as well.

That's the latest book, Junk Drawer , a collection of poems, short stories, essays, and a film script. Somewhat humorous... I hope.

I talked to my Godmother this weekend, and we remarked what a long, strange trip it's been, as we tend to at those infrequent meetings. The take away I got from it was that I really like writing, am not concerned with the material measure of success in this arena, and have like six other books oozing out of me!

This is not an overnight process, and although I may put out another book (or two) next year I also wouldn't be too surprised if now that this first "book" which was really three has been removed from me, that my next "book" could take another ten, five, or two and a half years.... who knows?

Maybe it will give me more time to write in this Blog?

Thanks for reading.

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