Tuesday, May 31, 2022

National Guns License

We're witnessing an historic level of children being killed by guns- most probable way to die, more than car crashes- and enough has been enough ten years ago.

To accord with the Second Amendment, each state could issue gun licenses. Except, transportation of firearms across state boundaries, ought to require a National Firearms license.

Like a car: title, license, registration and insurance would be required of the user. Dealers and manufacturers assure quality, and Dealers must use professional discretion following, so called, red flag laws.

We know how to do this. The States could use the national guidance for State Licenses and registration.

A written safety exam, required safety demonstation, and age minimums would be contingent. Additionally, mental health wellness, compitency, and background checks are required.

Any modification, such as required Corrective lenses, permits to carry in public and concealed all would be on gun owner's license to quickly deter foolish, irrational, and mentally ill ownership.

Each gun has a registration already, but it would require each gun to have Title and registration, being operated by licensee. Three parts of liability, so that insurance companies can give liability insurance for torturous constraints, lest we determine the tort settlements per victim.

We already have the infrastructure for all intents and purposes, now let's please do something already!