Monday, November 26, 2007

Sharing some sad news...

I want to express my grief over the passing of my brother, aged 36, and the joy the process has led me to better understand.

I have spent many hours with my brother in our youth, and found myself doubly fortunate to experience many great moments with him since his diagnosis a year and a half ago, since I moved up here six months ago, and in these last several weeks.

Of all the thoughts and emotions I am attempting to process, as I am recovering from a flu virus which overcame me not half an hour after I heard of his passing, about thirty minutes after I had left his side and over to the continued care to those, I have thanked numerous times, and thank again here, who were attending to his death bed.

It was just before 7pm on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, that Jeremy began his journey through the Bardo during the full moon, after suffering from Cancer (prostate cancer which had metastatized into bone cancer) for probably two years.

I am honored to have learned from and about my brother; I am honored to have made acquaintance with the many people who counted my brother as a member of their family; and am truly amazed at the clear example of love in the face of suffering he has demonstrated.

Rest in Peace.

Love Always,

The Beauty of the Heart

The beauty of the heart
is the lasting beauty:
its lips give to drink
of the water of life.

Truly it is the water,
that which pours,
and the one who drinks.

All three become one when
your talisman is shattered.

That oneness you can't know
by reasoning.

From: Mathnawi II, 716-718

- Rumi


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