Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Modest Proposition

This is my first post since the Trump Administration took over.

I will not reduce this piece in any manner towards the 'ad hominem,' attacking the individual flaws, not a rebuttal to the premise of the opposition, found throughout this nation today.  Remember 'ad hominem' is a fallacy.

We are at a juncture in our nation's life where decisions for the future are now being discussed.  Taxes, Health, and Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness....

To whit:

In my treatise Metaeconomics, I define a non-tax structure of currencies to create a greater and more abundant state of living;

Seven Market Categories each with their own 'Class' of currencies calibrated to each market need.

1. Survival
2. Social
3. State
4. National
5. International
6. Bourses
7. Macrofinance

The premise and conclusion is that we are commodifying the bare necessities of life, and by not having a proper Benefit-Cost structure for everyone to agree to and reference, we inadvertently have put an actual dollar amount to the Earth, humanity itself, and the individual lives of citizens in general.

As such, I now entreat my recommendations to our present Administration.

The above scheme is well too complex for our current governments systems.  That said we need to talk about Milton Friedman's tax proposal the ruling party are now distorting vastly.  That is the little postcards we will be sending in to address nominally our annual tax portion.

I feel the current Congress wants to eat their cake and have it too.  It seems legislators take to tax exemptions like a cat to catnip-- they cant but help to assist their "constituent(s)" in being picked to 'win.'  Government shouldn't be in the business of picking winners and losers!

I. When all loopholes are closed: we only need an across the board tax of 11%, no loopholes across the board, to over-fund the Treasury, and begin to pay down the debt, and balance the budget.  And to be clear this is across the board-- capital gains, passive income, asset transfer, etc.

1.  First tier, and first moneys are tax free!  The first earned annual $15,000 Single, $25,000 Joint, and $250,000 Business are not taxed.

By lifting the burden of the underclass, we will create an operating market that functions freely at the initial or lowest levels.  This ideally stimulates the creative forces to invest in themselves, but does not allow any taxpayer to 'subcontract' to themselves, so as to only declare minimum tax-free income in, say, five different Taxpayer IDs, that still wholly are the account of that prime TIN in order to avoid taxes altogether.

In other words, just as the FDIC insurance only covers banked money up to $250,000, many elite create "Account ladders," where each portion of their cash wealth is held in as many $250,000 bank accounts, as needed, to insure the whole fortune. 

Similarly, business declarations must be transparent-- that is the premise of the postcards.  We already have the means to audit in real time all the electronic transactions (that would include all Federally approved institutions) nationally.  Cash and assets would only be investigated on sums above this initial threshold.

2. Second tier, 10%-  No deductions no loopholes and no 'motivational tax.'  It is in the interest of the State to ensure that every citizen has the freedom and liberty to pursue their specific happiness. The abundant tax breaks are designed to encourage a citizen to (a) buy a home, (b) get married, and (c) have kids.  That is the formula to create more citizens, a natural resource.  The more citizens, the more tax revenue, and so tax breaks have been tinkered with to create the byzantine code extant.

After initial first tier clearance, this second tier would cap at $40,000 Single, $100,000 Joint, and $650,000 Business.

For example:

Ralph Doe made $38,000 in a year, he would only have a "tithe to the state" upon the remaining $23,000-- thus a tax of $2,300-- and Ralph can easily estimate how much to save, every year.  

The Smiths earned $55,000 jointly, and because they could anticipate and easily calculate, they saved to pay the 'tithe;' ($55k - $25k = $30 x .1 = $3,000).

Acme LLC, a small cap C-Corporation, earned $422,000 in a year, and having been granted the first $250k tax-free to do as they need and want, they then earned an additional $172,000 above the exemption ($422k-$250k=$172k x .1 = $17,200). 

Sorry no write offs or loop holes, because when Milton Friedman made the tax simplification argument, it included ending all the bizarre and overly detailed escapes from taxation creating an effective net zero. 

Large cap businesses currently operate with most or all of their tax liability erased by every esoteric tax break currently on the books-- not the nominal 39%.  The savings for larger companies will occur with the redundancy of certain financial specialists they require to staff in order to have the "net zero" tax.

3. Third Tier, 12.5% after second tier and up to: $100,000 Single, $250,000 Joint, and $1,000,000 Businesses, annually.

4. Fourth Tier, 15% after third tier and up to: $650,000 Single, $1,000,000 Joint, and $10,000,000 Businesses, annually.

5. Final Tier, 20% after fourth tier and after fourth tier annual maximums.

All loopholes and favors are closed, except the ability to write off only donations to any 501c3 non-profit organization.  Other 501s, such as political organizations, or any other TIN classes are not "Tax Free," and have to conform to the above scheme.  (Maybe also keep the Mortgage Deduction, [and the State-level taxes] but again that begins the slippery slope of horse trading for more esoteric tax breaks.)

This final nominal 20% should also be tithed upon all capital gains, estate, and transfer taxes above the fourth threshold-- and realize a net TAX CUT OF OVER 25%!

This is just a simple tithing scheme.

II. Trump Care (ACA)

Here I provide a simple testimonial;  The ACA saved my life.

I have been recovering my health since 2009 when I began experiencing what was diagnosed as Arthritis.  When I finally got ACA health care in 2014, I was allowed my pre-existing conditions to be treated, I began to successfully manage symptoms I would have died of probably by 2016 without healthcare.

It turns out I have been in chronic pain via fibromyalgia much of my life.

By creating a safety net for all citizens, we increase the Potential Energy of the Economy (promising intrinsic future GDP).

Health is critical.  I have argued in my last post extensively.

By allowing our overseas competition to fund free health care we compete with an implied reverse tariff against us.  By insuring their citizens, they relieve businesses of cost burden to carry Employees.

Further, if we just simply eliminate the age requirement for Medicare, and wrap the Federal Employee Insurance (that Congress and Federal Employees have), and the VA System in to the folds of Medicare and Medicaid, most citizens would be able to rid themselves of illness and diseases to improve our productivity.

This leads to one of the most serious issues for the general benefit and health of our citizenry: Environment.

III. Reconcile Environmental and Economic policies.

I am totally saddened by the situation in Japan of Fukushima.  The robots died within minutes of contacting the radiation pit spewing radioactivity into the Pacific Ocean and destroying our fisheries.  Not to mention Garbage Island.

We are at a juncture where if we fail to act and coordinate amongst ourselves as humans on this earth, Mother Earth will shake us off-- in 100, 1000, or 10,000 years-- at the rate we are going how much longer do you assume we can last?

The natural resources are being opened up to industry, and regulations are being diminished, destroyed and dumped like a bad habit.

Climate Extremity deniers have failed to prove their premise now for forty years!  Data regarding man-made carbon increases was first uncovered in the 1960's from a military surveillance in Hawaii.  By the 1980's James Burke appeared throughout the Western world attempting to explain the probabilities and ramifications of our unchecked growth.  In the 1990's Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., created the words, "thermodynamic system," in an earnest appeal to the public to help comprehend our situation of overall increasing temperatures.  By, 21st century, Vice-President Gore further explained that our ignorance is costing us RIGHT NOW, very dearly.

Which helps us to arrive at International Relations.

IV. The World occurs with or without us.

1. Environment: The Paris Accord has been the result of decades of International Negotiations-- Kyoto, Doha, and Paris-- representing monumental achievements of Diplomacy.

Our failure to embrace the completion of the International realization that we as a species have very little time to have any say in what world we leave the next seven generations is abysmal. This is no surprise to the "woke folk," including the 99.9% of Scientists that agree we are facing a Monumental Challenge as a species.

The people who doubt "Global Warming" have a point.  Earth still has winter.  But Snow (winter-- a Season, not a climate) doesn't disprove what is best termed Climate Extremity-- hurricanes needing a Category 6 level?  (Remember basic science: where if a molecule is heated the energy excites [expands], and that is how every day we boil water for coffee, tea, etc.-- hence oceans providing increasing water to the excited storms.)

2. Diplomacy: The 'talking tough,' emphasis on conflict in the International arena is a fools errand.

In my book (available as second draft [still haven't corrected the indexes]) Metaeconomics, I define Perpetual or Constant (k) Warfare (W).  Perpetual Warfare (kW) is impossible to sustain and is NOT STABILITY.  History bears this out over and over.

War makes profits.  It devistates the underclasses.  And it also destroys our Terra Firma upon which we succor.

V. Conclusion

We are simultaneously the Oldest Democracy, yet one of the younger nations.

In my various travels abroad, I have heard repeated many times the opinions that we are viewed as an Adolescent by the International community-- picking on the weakest Nuclear Power (NK), but also cozying up to the closest rival (Russia) and Bully.  We must shake off this juvenescence!

Until we can recognize the simultaneous pulls of on the one hand providing guidance to other democracies by best example and primary superpower, while on the other having the humility to learn from ancient nations (France, Japan, etc.), we will not be followed as a world leader within the International Community.

I hope we Americans can make something work to address all of the above.  But I wont be surprised if I am further ignored.... that's Okay, because I am pushing neither "Like," nor "Ignore" on my Social Media radar. Life is more subtle and complex than the simple binary matrices we prefer, just because it fits in our head.

In this day of instant gratifications, immediate knowledge, and mass sub-culturalism (where people only listen to what agrees with their world view, as opposed to facts of concrete reality) we must comprehend that facts, factors, and proven (amongst all the sciences here we reviewed, economic) theory should be respected, observed and obeyed.

I am not going to go for another 30 years with the elites arguing that 'trickle down economics' operates within the mechanics of economy, is somehow to the benefit of all, and good economic and social policy (lest we compare the environmental disasters we are regularly carrying out in this grand open chemistry experiment).

So 'snapoutofit' and create reasonable by-partisan laws with clear-eyed leadership, please.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Intergenerational Overlapping and the Oncoming New Age of Reason

Population Asymmetry

I.               From about 1965, we can observe the beginning of geometric population growth.  This indicates the beginning of “overpopulation,” or more accurately the asymmetry from increased births, greater longevity, and fewer preventable deaths from ancient norms.  This problem has begun to grow exponentially.

Crisis Nodes

II.             Although there are many other wars, conflicts, strifes to be considered, for our purposes of American History, and our nations birth in 1776, we observe six modern nodes of crisis:
a.     US Civil War
b.     The Great War
c.     WWII
d.     Moon Landing
e.     End of the Soviet Empire
f.      Beginning of Modern Information-based (Internet) Democracy

Era Names

III.           After the Age of Reason: Ironically, we inhabited the great genocide of America, and endured the pestilence of human slavery.  The zugzwang of the International Age of Industry required our participation in social norms, but as a nation not healed from the bitter civil conflict.  Our modern American identity was forged by the great European war where the conception of nationhood and nationalism forced us to unite.  The fourth era is so named the Age of Economy because this was the practical application of all the great theories, and became the natural growth of nations to once again end this era in another great mechanized war.  After the hard and bitter lessons of grand mechanical warfare a more indirect, yet no less vicious, period of proxy warfare began, and the emblem of the two great Superpowers was that of Space.  After America ostensibly won that war of symbolism, then an age of covert and more indirect paroxysm began in earnest to complete the defeat of the Soviet Union entirely.  Leaving an age of one Superpower left with all the various agents who would attempt to interact with, transform or gain from her.  We have entered an age where the conception of power is being transformed, not just by the application of ideas, but the ideals and ideas being transmitted by these transformational devices we participate with regularly in this era.

Node Zero

IV.           In American History we begin in the first thirty years of Simultaneous Corinthian Rebirth (CR), a creative destruction for survival, and the a ten year Birth;
a.     1760 – Doric Construction of Revolution
b.     1770 – Ionic Construction of Revolution
c.     1780 – Corinthian Construction of Revolution
d.     1790 – Birth of the Stable State (where the act of Revolution has been harnessed in active creation-destruction process we call government)
                                                     i.     1790 – 1793 sub doric: The King as President
                                                      ii.     1793 – 1796 sub ionic: The Various Powers
                                                        iii.     1796 – 1799 sub corinthian: The Reasonable Transitions

Generational Nodes

V.             After the Reasonable Institutionalization of Revolution, began the formation of parties and other emblematic themes, which allowed for the construction and destruction of ideas of governance and administration of law through institutional process, however this does not dismiss the massive genocide being conducted until 1974 upon the lands of what was to become territory of these United States of America.  Following Jefferson and a Revolution every generation (30 years):
a.     Rebirth (Transformational Period [Ricorso])
b.     Doric (Construction of Foundations)
c.     Ionic (Building of the Constructs)
d.     Corinthian (Decoration and Edifice)


VI.           Confusing the issue, but now more clear with the benefit of oversimplification, is the illusion of cohort or sub-nodes within generations.  These do not attribute a “rebirth” sub-period, for the natural[1] progeneration of each individual, cohort, or generation is the very act of biological rebirth.

Primary Technological Achievement

VII.         At the advent of every new generation, there appears a clear signal from the prior generation as to how to better evolve the technology of our environment for survival and progress.  Although these are simplifications of the overarching achievement of the times, there are innumerable simultaneous progresses in every subject matter in order to allow for other generations to unlock achievements.  As with Node Zero, we find ourselves (at “node 8”) where the cumulative progress in every Scientific endeavor has come to fruition in every discipline—the start of a time of Science and Reason!

Longevity Asymmetry

VIII.       By Node Six, The Baby Boom Generation, Children were observing the first human cohorts to live into their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, in spite of the two great mechanical wars.  We entered into a node in 1999 where children being born until 2029 will observe human cohorts living into their 90’s, 100’s, and beyond (the estimated stabilization for longevity to become living naturally into 120 ~ 140 y.o., and with medicines and technologies 140+)!


The Population Asymmetry, Progenitor Asymmetry and the Longevity Asymmetry require from the intergenerational populace a sense of civility and abiding peace that are necessary for collective security.  We enter an era of unprecedented potentiality for every human being alive today, and have one of the best chances ever to enshrine Ethics, Liberty and Human Rights for the sanctity of all future generations.


We will not be able to afford to not cooperate as a human species (as opposed to nation, or other group) upon this Earth, and the upside becomes material and quality of life gains from cooperation that will far outweigh perceived negatives.

The confluence of all these human events shall describe
1.     A grander sense of the Collective Consciousness and Higher Awareness
2.     More sublime and civil forms of diplomacy and warfare
3.     A concept of collective endeavor that will produce a massive efficiency, which we are already encountering


Future Nodal Targets

A.    Commercial Space Travel
B.    Electricity Harmonization (We are in Node E1 and starting E2.  By E3 we will be at the edge of Robotic Sentience)
C.    Oceanic Mastery (deep water craft and body suits)
D.   Environmental Stasis (estimate Node I Env. will sustain up to 12BB pop.; Node II Env 16BB; and Node III 30+BB)
E.    Robotic Sentience
F.    Interplanetary Colonization
G.   Intergalactic Exploration / Deep Space Mastery
H.   Solar System Mastery
I.      Inter Solar System Colonization
J.     Galactic Mastery
K.   Intergalactic Mastery
L.    Intergalactic Colonization

            “Arab Spring,” is the current term to describe the actions of societies, many in the Arab States, gaining 21st Century Technology at low or no cost and being able to organize democratically with instantaneous communications and information systems.  This will probably be referred to as the International Accurate Democracy Movement, or something thereabouts, because we also find ourselves in USA, amidst the advent of the ramifications of this technological advance and all that this implies.

[1] The Progenitor Asymmetry would be when genes can be spawned multi-generationally (even after the subject has expired)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Cataclysm is Reality Check

The Disaster in Japan, presently mounting towards becoming something we will only hope to determine in a couple of months could be at least worse than Three-Mile Island and probably not as bad as Chernobyl; that is the Nuclear (Environment [Energy {consumption/scarcity} Economy] Health) Situation.

The Disaster in Japan is an example of the force of the oceans, a vivid recreation of the Indonesian Tsunami, but with the million dollar yachts, middle class houses, and video cameras slushing about everywhere—all floating together equally: that the reality TV, media, yet very real Safety Preparedness issues brought front and center for the World to see.

The Disaster in Japan was also a Massive Series of Earthquakes. Three Disasters in one, and all of them begging questions. Fundamental questions that I am confident the Japanese Society, and the World with which they have built tremendous store of good will, interdependence, and fair trade can answer the questions being asked by this Natural Disaster.

To come back to simplicity, the tragedy shows beggar, rich man, and thief all equally were swept away. All died, and were spared only according to natural forces – not perceptions or falsehoods held by society. Chaos, and randomness. DONATE TODAY!

We can use this crisis soon to be molded into opportunity to better understand our Society, too.

The first question begged, Nuclear, asks us to truly have Utilities, states, and corporations acknowledge that we are currently (this includes everything from Climate Change to Household cleansers, and includes everything else we make) conducting a real-time open ended chemistry experiment with our environs and habitat for which we rely upon sustenance. I have complained very loudly in my book Metaeconomics on the subject of incorrect assessment of lifetime costs and benefit-cost analysis in resource valuation.

The second shows us that seven generations thinking (planning for 7 x 30 = 210 years in advance) is required to address the engineering challenges of Reality posed by the forces of nature, and made worsening of those disasters.

Home itself as physical object is impermanent. So, any disaster in, near, or by the home becomes a scientific and engineering issue. At the extreme end, we have to be conscious also of our massive garbage and waste streams, and thus reusability, recycle-ability, biodegrability, etc.

For example: Is it too much to ask to buy a washing machine that your grandkids could inherit (still operational)? Or imagine you could use parts from your washing machine to replace parts to fix by hand (using simple tools) your futuristic vacuum? That the broken part can be sold for scrap to the local hardware store for re-smelting?

On the other hand, living spaces are designed to ideally (looking at older cultures than ours in Modern USA) last a similar 210 years... or many, many more!

Japan has the opportunity to unleash the resources to create an actual place where they find their best and brightest technological possibilities. Entire new, green, and safe communities can arise by direct result of the response by the question being begged.

Maybe there is hope for Nuclear Safety, but clearly like Deep Sea Oil Drilling, like Trickle Down Economics, and a parade of other less than flexible ideas we have recently witnessed self-destruct (or at the very least flies in ointment canisters -- if not fact based proofs against them) in our times.

Finally, to be specific and real in my example, the idea of a California Coastal Commission has been the obvious joke in my experience (and many others) in real estate, architecture, engineering, planning, design, and other professional experience. Saying CCC in many circles is short hand for bureaucratic nightmare and red tape.

However, by looking at the scope of the challenge now before our friends in Japan, we can see clearly why certain agencies do exist for betterment of common good issues like health, safety, environment and planning. We may however need to streamline, and make efficient this series of systems and conflicting agencies.

So, we should mirror our friends as they rebuild their infrastructure, help them in doing so, and use the massive economic requirements to upgrade and refurbish our crumbling infrastructure system.

  • In these next years, the friendship between our nations and the connection and spirit of kinship can only become that much stronger by the real challenges and questions Mother Nature has now asked of all human societies around the world.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Personal 3rd Memorial Project

As most of my friends already know, my stepbrother passed away three years ago from Prostate Cancer. He was 36, and first met him when he wasn't yet three years old as my Mom and his Dad (now my Father, for all intents and purposes) were dating.

As his barely older stepbrother, I watched and witnessed much of his life half-lived, if ever fully and with a special connexion to the Earth, and how that ended with the tragedy of profound illness.

A genuine humanitarian, he was more often than not something of a defiant optimist, or at least pleasant pessimist. He was always learning and growing as his comprehension and measure of the world expanded. And all, to whom I have talked to since his passing, who may have only merely even met him, remember the strong impression he left – most would say he was a purposeful and friendly person.

As tragic as the whole saga was, there is still a lot we can do for people here and now.

In a blog before the elections, I began training for a 10K and started to raise funds for a Memorial Race in honor of my stepbrother.

But that was postponed until somewhere into Spring of 2011, and last I heard they may turn it into some other type of event (like rock climbing)?

So, as part of my goal setting exercises for 2011, I found a solution that allows me to continue the physical training I need to work on for my short, mid, and long-term goals, and continues to raise funds and awareness for ZERO and all the good work they are doing to combat Prostate Cancer.

Here it is:

I have, as I write this, on the third anniversary of my stepbrother’s passing, the goal of raising another $240 by year's end, and that would make an even $500 for this year; then I would like to try and raise another $2000 through to April 2nd, 2011, when I plan on running (either a 10K or half-marathon) trail race; and finally my tentative goal is to be fit enough to run a trail marathon for mid-September – and complete this fund-raising project for ZERO by raising a final $2500 – a Total of $5000 in one year!

I know with your help I can do it, but for me the important thing was to find an activity (trail running) that I am enjoying and make goals that met those needs, too.

I then have the privilege to know my getting healthy has not only purpose, but that everyone who has already chipped (and who will chip) in is part of my Team!

Thank you very much for your support, and Happy Holidays!!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My World and the rest of the world....

Wow, Just found an old Newsletter I sent out at the end of Winter 2005 ~ 6, which recommends a heavy and long investment into the reintroduced thirty year T-Bill:

Starting January 2006
Date 2 yr 3 yr 5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr
02/06/06 4.62 4.57 4.51 4.52 4.55 4.69 N/A
02/07/06 4.61 4.57 4.52 4.54 4.57 4.73 N/A
02/08/06 4.64 4.61 4.55 4.55 4.56 4.75 N/A
02/09/06 4.66 4.62 4.55 4.55 4.54 4.72 4.51
02/10/06 4.69 4.67 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.76 4.55
02/13/06 4.68 4.66 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.76 4.56
02/14/06 4.69 4.68 4.61 4.61 4.62 4.80 4.60
02/15/06 4.71 4.68 4.60 4.60 4.61 4.78 4.58
02/16/06 4.69 4.67 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.77 4.57
02/17/06 4.66 4.64 4.55 4.54 4.54 4.71 4.51
02/21/06 4.71 4.68 4.59 4.58 4.57 4.72 4.53
02/22/06 4.68 4.66 4.57 4.55 4.53 4.68 4.48
02/23/06 4.72 4.70 4.63 4.58 4.56 4.70 4.51
02/24/06 4.74 4.70 4.64 4.60 4.58 4.71 4.52
02/27/06 4.74 4.71 4.66 4.61 4.59 4.74 4.55
02/28/06 4.69 4.67 4.61 4.57 4.55 4.70 4.51
03/01/06 4.71 4.68 4.63 4.60 4.59 4.74 4.56
03/02/06 4.72 4.72 4.68 4.66 4.64 4.80 4.62
03/03/06 4.76 4.75 4.71 4.69 4.68 4.84 4.66
03/06/06 4.77 4.77 4.76 4.74 4.74 4.91 4.72
03/07/06 4.77 4.79 4.76 4.75 4.74 4.91 4.72
03/08/06 4.72 4.77 4.75 4.74 4.73 4.91 4.72
03/09/06 4.72 4.77 4.75 4.74 4.74 4.91 4.72
03/10/06 4.74 4.80 4.77 4.76 4.76 4.93 4.74
03/13/06 4.74 4.81 4.78 4.78 4.77 4.95 4.77
03/14/06* 4.66 4.72 4.68 4.69 4.71 4.89 4.71
03/15/06 4.69 4.72 4.69 4.70 4.73 4.93 4.75
03/16/06 4.62 4.62 4.60 4.61 4.65 4.86 4.70
03/17/06 4.65 4.64 4.62 4.63 4.68 4.89 4.72

Postmark on returned newsletter.

Source: Federal ;


(4.75% interest tax free for thirty years is a good bet even right now....)


If I was right about that fun fact about the economy four years ago, then trust me when I say, HEMP is right for the Economy Today!

There have been no new actual arguments brought up by the opposition since my last Post, or Original Argument from 1993~4. Mostly we have seen the same old tired out retread Arguments of "Fear," and to much lesser extent "Greed," because actually YES wins the conversation about jobs, taxes, and the economy.

The fearful bits about elections, is one of the key reasons why I am actually sick of our political system. Washington was as Cincinnatus a citizen - soldier - then politician - then citizen, and the (low) level of discourse in our modern politics disenfranchises ordinary citizens.

So, Fear is something, but the reason we are given privacy to punch our ballot is that the vote must not be made under duress. That category then is hard to define once we take impersonal effects from the citizen... does not the economy itself pose a certain duress upon the perceptions of voters today?

Thus, even though there are legitimate problems in our economy, government, and state budgets, we must look past fear and ask simply, "Will this Proposal (proposition 19) actually help?" Make a positive impact on my life and the future of our State and Economy!

With an estimated $1.8BB in savings by redirection of Peace Officer efforts and incarceration, this can certainly be redistributed at a savings to governments, and then more than make up any potential slack posed by people doing more or less what they are already doing (and government make fewer or no taxes from it).

With an estimated $1.4BB in revenues to state and local governments, this is a real solution for today's issues-- INCLUDING JOBS!

I am glad, although unaffiliated with, have often voted Libertarian, as well as other third parties, that the Libertarians recognized and endorsed Prop 19, without waiver or condition.

This will get the beginning of the end of a failed Prohibition and a failed social "drug" war mentality.



Go out and Vote today November 2nd, 2010.

Please vote YES on 19!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

BP Aftermath

Knock wood that there will only be an absolute minimum of oil spilt hereafter from the Deep Water Horizon Disaster.

That said, a quick reckoning, and I think the Obama Admin got this right:

My assumptions-- A leak of 80K BBL per Day with a straight line 1% reduction over 86 days to define the various captures, ruptures, and miscillaneous unknown variables (unless BP would like to submit the actual data, instead of somehow going from 1000BBL to 5000BBL to as much as 80000BBL per day-- I feel this method is fair); The fine is $4300 per barrel per day that such oil remains uncleaned;

What we come up with is just about $20BB as of today... BP you better get to cleaning!

(Here is my worksheet [sorry it didn't come out that great, but gotta go]:

Days BBL/dayTOTAL BBLs in MM gal Fine in $MM TOT Fine $BB
1 80000 80000 3.36 $344.00 $0.34
2 79200 159200 6.69 $684.56 $0.68
3 78408 237608 9.98 $1,021.71 $1.02
4 77624 315232 13.24 $1,355.50 $1.36
5 76848 392080 16.47 $1,685.94 $1.69
6 76079 468159 19.66 $2,013.08 $2.01
7 75318 543477 22.83 $2,336.95 $2.34
8 74565 618042 25.96 $2,657.58 $2.66
9 73820 691862 29.06 $2,975.01 $2.98
10 73081 764943 32.13 $3,289.26 $3.29
11 72351 837294 35.17 $3,600.36 $3.60
12 71627 908921 38.17 $3,908.36 $3.91
13 70911 979832 41.15 $4,213.28 $4.22
14 70202 1050033 44.10 $4,515.14 $4.52
15 69500 1119533 47.02 $4,813.99 $4.82
16 68805 1188338 49.91 $5,109.85 $5.11
17 68117 1256454 52.77 $5,402.75 $5.41
18 67435 1323890 55.60 $5,692.73 $5.70
19 66761 1390651 58.41 $5,979.80 $5.99
20 66093 1456744 61.18 $6,264.00 $6.27
21 65433 1522177 63.93 $6,545.36 $6.55
22 64778 1586955 66.65 $6,823.91 $6.83
23 64130 1651086 69.35 $7,099.67 $7.11
24 63489 1714575 72.01 $7,372.67 $7.38
25 62854 1777429 74.65 $7,642.95 $7.65
26 62226 1839655 77.27 $7,910.52 $7.92
27 61603 1901258 79.85 $8,175.41 $8.18
28 60987 1962246 82.41 $8,437.66 $8.45
29 60378 2022623 84.95 $8,697.28 $8.71
30 59774 2082397 87.46 $8,954.31 $8.96
31 59176 2141573 89.95 $9,208.76 $9.22
32 58584 2200157 92.41 $9,460.68 $9.47
33 57998 2258156 94.84 $9,710.07 $9.72
34 57418 2315574 97.25 $9,956.97 $9.97
35 56844 2372418 99.64 $10,201.40 $10.21
36 56276 2428694 102.01 $10,443.39 $10.45
37 55713 2484407 104.35 $10,682.95 $10.69
38 55156 2539563 106.66 $10,920.12 $10.93
39 54604 2594168 108.96 $11,154.92 $11.17
40 54058 2648226 111.23 $11,387.37 $11.40
41 53518 2701744 113.47 $11,617.50 $11.63
42 52983 2754726 115.70 $11,845.32 $11.86
43 52453 2807179 117.90 $12,070.87 $12.08
44 51928 2859107 120.08 $12,294.16 $12.31
45 51409 2910516 122.24 $12,515.22 $12.53
46 50895 2961411 124.38 $12,734.07 $12.75
47 50386 3011797 126.50 $12,950.73 $12.96
48 49882 3061679 128.59 $13,165.22 $13.18
49 49383 3111062 130.66 $13,377.57 $13.39
50 48889 3159951 132.72 $13,587.79 $13.60
51 48400 3208352 134.75 $13,795.91 $13.81
52 47916 3256268 136.76 $14,001.95 $14.02
53 47437 3303706 138.76 $14,205.93 $14.22
54 46963 3350669 140.73 $14,407.88 $14.42
55 46493 3397162 142.68 $14,607.80 $14.62
56 46028 3443190 144.61 $14,805.72 $14.82
57 45568 3488758 146.53 $15,001.66 $15.02
58 45112 3533871 148.42 $15,195.64 $15.21
59 44661 3578532 150.30 $15,387.69 $15.40
60 44215 3622747 152.16 $15,577.81 $15.59
61 43773 3666519 153.99 $15,766.03 $15.78
62 43335 3709854 155.81 $15,952.37 $15.97
63 42901 3752756 157.62 $16,136.85 $16.15
64 42472 3795228 159.40 $16,319.48 $16.34
65 42048 3837276 161.17 $16,500.29 $16.52
66 41627 3878903 162.91 $16,679.28 $16.70
67 41211 3920114 164.64 $16,856.49 $16.87
68 40799 3960913 166.36 $17,031.93 $17.05
69 40391 4001304 168.05 $17,205.61 $17.22
70 39987 4041291 169.73 $17,377.55 $17.39
71 39587 4080878 171.40 $17,547.77 $17.57
72 39191 4120069 173.04 $17,716.30 $17.73
73 38799 4158868 174.67 $17,883.13 $17.90
74 38411 4197280 176.29 $18,048.30 $18.07
75 38027 4235307 177.88 $18,211.82 $18.23
76 37647 4272954 179.46 $18,373.70 $18.39
77 37270 4310224 181.03 $18,533.96 $18.55
78 36898 4347122 182.58 $18,692.62 $18.71
79 36529 4383651 184.11 $18,849.70 $18.87
80 36163 4419814 185.63 $19,005.20 $19.02
81 35802 4455616 187.14 $19,159.15 $19.18
82 35444 4491060 188.62 $19,311.56 $19.33
83 35089 4526149 190.10 $19,462.44 $19.48
84 34739 4560888 191.56 $19,611.82 $19.63
85 34391 4595279 193.00 $19,759.70 $19.78
86 34047 4629326 194.43 $19,906.10 $19.93 )

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Shame of Big Oil

Here is the rhetorical question: Imagine if you will the Blob from the 1950's movie of the same title, and it was sweeping the streets removing only the gas stations, refineries, offices, and production facilities of every oil company that existed in five states.

How much money would the oil industry collectively spend to stop the Blob? How fast would that private action (without any help [or probably permission] from the Government-at-large) be done?

Now, if instead of "blob," we read massive uncontrolled oil gusher; we replace the streets with the Gulf of Mexico; and instead of oil companies we read: every fisherman, much of the tourism, a lot of recreational dollars, and the future health of millions of people-- not to mention the immense and incalculable devastation to our aquatic creatures and ecosystems-- we must wonder.

Is it not in every oil companies interest to assist in solving this problem ASAP so as to be able to have opportunity at future access to public waters?

As for BP: It was different to hear within the first days of this tragedy, that BP will honor all reasonable economic claims. That said, sending claimants out to help with the clean up and containment without proper safety (equipment, training, resources, etc.) is in some ways worse, because then they shall have several claims as a class action: (1) economic, and (2) health.

It seems there will probably be many levels of costs for BP, Halliburton, et. al.: (A) immediate, (B) long-term, (C) Criminal claims, (D) Civil penalties, and (E) future opportunity costs.

I also want to make the statement that this situation is not as advertised or spun, "Obama's Katrina." Bush got a four day notice, and if memory serves did nothing for an additional four or so days. When he did it was to reassure people, as opposed to acknowledge the tragedy. That tin ear populism was what created (along with catch phrases like, "heckuva job Brownie,") the sink hole of political legitimacy for Bush.

Pubs and haters praying for this to suddenly be Obama's Katrina are going with the old 'argumentum ad naseum,' again, but more startling is their admission that in this (and on several other issues like the economy) matter their last leader with a fully stacked Pub Congress flubbed on issue after issue. I think with the foot falling and the Tea Parties it is clear that the Pubs havent gotten out of circular firing squad formation quite yet....

This situation was precipitated by the Bushies, and the only problem I have with Obama (Administration) is that they did not catch the paper tiger collusion between MMS and Big Oil before it came to this.

So, now as far as I am concerned, we the people must ask the oil companies to verify and prove the statements they made in writing to our governmental bodies in order to acquire permits. If they claim this situation happens only once every 30 years, then they must show they have what it takes to either improve techniques and/or possess the technological wherewithal to mitigate even the slightest damage to our public lands and natural resources.

As far as I am concerned, even the fishermen are missing the bigger picture: they should not just ask for a years wages, or another job... What about charging wholesale prices for every pound of shrimp, dolphins, fish, crabs, clams, crawdads, mollusk, etc. that has been "eaten" by this blob; and what about all the future costs for the billions of creatures that have been aborted in this man made catastrophe facilitated by a chain of fools.

Finally, it is hard to write this knowing I am on track to have to fill up at the gas station in about a week. We are all conspirators at some level of this tragedy, but imagine how much this will cost the tax payers total. It is probably a very incalculable number like say $208,972,340,000.00, just to pick one out of the hat. We have dozens of these rigs out there. If we would just spend that $208,972,340,000.00 x 12 to facilitate electric cars, improved clean technology, solar, and wind, then would we not be in this mess when the next one is due in thirty years or less?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The New Plague

Ahh... 1346. It was not really the best of times, but probably could be in many ways the worst of times. Europe was attempting to shudder off the dark Ages, but that would come in another 200 years or so!

In the meantime, the process of mass animal domestication and production techniques had brought a bevy of diseases into the fore to attack the immune systems in the rural areas, and if that didn't travel past city walls, inside most cities the streets in these population centers served as open sewers!

Once sick, people would pray for you, doctors would make potions to calm your humours, and in extreme desperation you could get a barber to let some blood if the mercury tincture the doctors prescribed didn't work... What backwards times!

Unfortunately, in the intervening 663 years or so, we humans haven't seemed to learn our lessons very well!

(A) the process of mass animal domestication and production techniques had brought a bevy of diseases into the fore to attack the immune systems NOW: H1N1, H5N1, et. al.

(B) most population centers served as open sewers! If we consider that we know that toxic chemicals are analogous to "waste" back in the 14th Century; Then why have we out-moded labelling of toxic chemicals used daily, allow these and industrial chemical to be released in our water, air, and lands, and literally have a garbage island floating in our oceans killing food resources we rely upon?

(C) people would pray for you, NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT... I guess-- other than not too much has changed.

(D) doctors would make potions to calm your humours, NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT... I guess-- other than not too much has changed.

(E) in extreme desperation you could get a barber to let some blood
NOW: Except it is the Doctors who actually cut you up.

(F) if the mercury tincture the doctors prescribed didn't work NOW: Instead of various quicksilver and herbal tinctures we have chemical therapy, and other methods to poison the patient back into health.

Lets be clear, I am stating that (I) we are spewing poisons into our environment that (II) directly or indirectly lead to the creation of Cancer and other diseases, and (III) our medicine is confounded searching for remedy and cures (obviously the last 600+ years has seen dramatic improvement in medicine [which is a very good thing that we are doing our best to mitigate the situation] however for the point made here we are still attempting to cure symptoms as opposed to causes of illness). Yet if we confront the source of our problems (equivalent to underground sewage, sewage treatment, regular washing and bathing, and certain sanitary practices helped solve the Black Death), maybe we would have fewer, less virulent, and less aggressive strains of the modern version of disease we have been carrying through our human history?

Barring my Meta-behaviouralists social modification approach, we need to raise funds to assist our researchers, doctors, and practicianers to discover cures for these diseases.

So, as you can see in the upper left-hand corner of my Blog, there is a place for you to donate to the LLS. I am a member of Team In Training. Please act now to donate what you can: I am running the half marathon, so a $25 donation today works out to less than $2 per mile! THANK YOU.

My friend survived non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma when I was a pre-teen; My brother died at age 36 from an aggressive metastasisized prostate Cancer that used as one of its tactics treatment developed by LLS; and now I learn that my childhood hero Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has a rare form of blood borne Cancer.

To complete the puzzle of my adamance and disgust with the very existence of this disease called Cancer (which is really a wide array of diseases that have similar attack strategies against the healthy human body), I learned the day of my last blog that my sister has stage three breast cancer-- she is only 38!

In a prior post, I suggest we declare war on Cancer, and now I am no longer waiting for the politicians, or anyone else for that matter to do so... to quote the Bard, "Out Damn Spot!"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Metaeconomics will be available 04/15/09!

Go to the e-Store and receive the Early-bird After-tax Super-secret Special Discount.

Here is excerpt #2 from the book, which is a part of the Afterword:

My hope here is not for a primacy of one state over any other, nor for one type of person to be considered better or more deserving, yet to find the balance and fair measure of markets to better facilitate the participation of the Earth and her creatures towards a more fruitful co-existence.

I hope neither my language was unduly obscure or scholarly for ordinary people and experts, nor my rubishness in some way distraction for scholars and critics from these very real ideas (and ideals) which I have been quietly developing my entire life by paying close attention.

The primary purpose for the existence of this book is to illuminate and define an appropriate context of very real issues away from demagoguery, fallacy, or foolishness. We are living through a time of extraordinary crisis.

The Free markets decided to ignore their supposed heroes, which would have required in the year of 2008 markets and their component pieces then shatter into a million pieces, and allow the almost Holy Ghost of the Invisible Hand to resurrect the markets, like a Phoenix or Lazarus, whereby each person becomes required to evolve into some other new function (many of which would be [and yet are] the soup kitchens and homeless shelters) to the market which is like a skin covering a body. To hear the skin of the marketplace speak, it would say, “Where am I going?”

To which the body, I here attempt to define, says, “I am you.”

So where should we go?

Markets are society, and the society is a market—just different aspects of the same massive being, just using different ways of measurement.

To subject educational systems, science, and other progression in humanity to the dull thudding whims of executives who actually believe that Gordon Gecko, of reptilian disposition, was right when he said famously, “Greed Works,” is a non-sense, which denies the humanity of the individual.

Yes, greed works, but to a point of diminishing returns and drain of resources whether they be social, political, or spiritual. Relative laws made that statement relatively true… for a while.

At this juncture, that spiritual, emotional, and integral bank account has been fully plundered by the double-speaking defenders of what has now been proven to be relativistic capitalists flocking around the carcasses of Wall Street like a murder of crows.

Now it is left for scientific and rational humen to begin taking full and accurate measure of the true values and meanings of things that are in our economy to which we are all Interdependent. We rely upon it, and it relies upon us… there is no free lunch!

I ask that you take the many carefully considered points to expand the conceptual dialogue between yourself and you, your business and the economy, and your service (or vocation) and others.

Let us shed this old skin towards renewal, for that is the true beauty of not just capitalism, but the nation in which we are so very fortunate to live.

I only pray that we can see a better day soon whereby real value and intrinsic worth is placed in proper context with the society and the marketplace, instead of economics being governed by the political arguments of the day designed to propel one group beyond another group from convenience of that argument, so that a true and fair measure of not just economic progress and prosperity, but of human progress and social evolution, can be made in a real, scientific and calibrative manner.

--J. W. Kilvington, 02/12/2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

WIN-WIN Paradigms: Taking two bad situations to create one good one....

In my latest book, I attempt to describe how we can create "win-win" games to improve our collective economic and social issues.

Here is a suggestions in that spirit:

According to the BLS fishery jobs will decrease 26% from 2006 ~ 2016; According to FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Pacific Fish cath is down; and the CA Dept. of Fish and Game have all but ended Salmon Fishing until the Salmon crisis is over.

Between fuel costs, mooring fees, and insurance many anglers are going (if not already) out of business.

Mean while there is the seemingly discombobulated issue of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is a massive swirl of garbage and pollution moving across deep seas causing untold damage to the environment.

Let's put two and two together here, shall we. I am not saying that I can say at the scientifically infallible level that there is a cause and effect relationship here, but I have an economic argument which bypasses any "study to death" mentality:

A coalition of Governments, Fisheries, and Labor organizations employ our idle fleets of fishing vessels to go out to the Garbage Island(s), fish the polluting plastics and garbage out from our oceans, bring them back to a taxi stand of trash barges, and we barge that waste back onto terra firma to be sorted, recycled if possible, and disposed of so that we stop the detriment to our oceans.

The employment, the economic benefits, not to mention the possible (although I would argue probable) improvement in fish catch will all go towards our economic recovery.