Showing posts with label Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Policy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Opposite and Equivalent

It's been one month, and the International Populist clownshow of distraction, chaos and Austerity has begun.  The Trump Administration is unwittingly giving us the playbook by way of the Narcissist's reflection.  Just listen to the news, and imagine the opposite.  Then imagine how do we undo the damage?  Oppose with Equivalency. (Someone is keeping close score!)

So, other than reminding everyone that the Executive can't rescind Federal law by Executive Orders, here's my first list at what any reasonable opposition should more or less take up as the natural opposite platform: I have ideated from years of observing failed trickle-down Neoliberalism, now it's Oligarchic polity, but am sure to have left things out; included a summary of slogans I have observed per ideal group; the equivalent counter-actions inspired by the current Administration; and what we can ask from the Democrats, when they take 2/3rds of the Congress to become a Veto proof majority- as 1/3 of citizens didn't vote, and ~30% of Gen Z is regretting having voted Republican -even as they limp along as the barely minority party, now- after one would imagine the pendulum swings. This might instead be the modern Bull-Moose party platform, for instance.

(In some semblance of order based upon "slogan ideas")

"America into the Future:"

"Reform the electoral college," so each State must send a representational proportion of Electors to that of the popular vote, make all States send an odd number of electors with the winner thus having at least one Elector more than the loser per State in many cases, and in most circumstances the popular candidate wins the national election. 

Make total number of national electors odd. If there is somehow a national elector tie, then National popular vote winner is the winner, Speaker of the House has no direct say.  This requires a change in the Constitution.

"ESG is good Business for a Sustainable Future," re-Implement DEI programs, reinstate LGBTQIA+ inclusion initiatives (convene a scientific Blue Ribbon Panel to resolve the process for allowing the 0.004% of sex-indeterminate [and other identities] individuals to compete in sports openly), set international standardization for logical transparent rating and measuring of Environmental, Social and Governance in the marketplace; expand the SBA increasing speed and ease of SBA loan process and approvals; and Department of Commerce helps implement all the commercial reforms.

"Hire more public servants," Increase the bureaucracy 10% above 2024 levels to improve service; only nominate qualified public servants based upon highest and best merit for every government position- top to bottom; root out fraud, waste and abuse; eliminate any new agencies formed by Republicans that disagree with policy platform; and reform the other agencies in a countermandate 'on day one.' Thank goodness no more DeJoy, so reform the Post Office he tried to set up for privatization. Hire back Inspectors General; hire additional inspectors, staff and managers for instance expand (restart?) the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Forest Service, OSHA, FEMA, et. al. and fire the old "loyalty pledge" ones; and Fund, expand and hire to 101% the employees of the FAA to enable them to prepare to expand the mission to Near Space Control. Raise military and civil servant pay by 5% a year for three years; and Increase public servant (including military) signing bonuses to enhance recruitment efforts.

"Rejoin all International Treaty Obligations," whatever is broken, like the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, WHO, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Paris Treaty, USAID commitments, etc.- Impose sanctions on legitimate enemies of The Republic. Start new diplomatic bridge building treaties towards an International Peace treaty.

"Join The International Court of Justice," turn over war criminals under special arrangements, and set up an agency tasked with leading US Interpol and ICC interests, separate from the FBI, et. al.  Shuffle, streamline, expand where needed and improve the DOD, State, Treasury, FBI, CIA, and DHS for budget savings of ~10%, optimization and maximum counterintelligence strategy against our enemies foreign and domestic.

"Pathways to Citizenship," Bring Immigration into the light by making clear and understandable pathways to naturalization and citizenship, and provide amnesty for undocumented taxpayers who have no criminal records that have paid for seven years or more on the same ITN.  Affirm the 14th Amendment and birthright citizenship. Halt deportations without due process, and restart the Amnesty remote application process.  All immigration hearings must occur within 30-days, including backlog, thus fund and hire accordingly.

"Destroy the Republican built concentration camps."  Have a legal national immigration rate of 14%, build 10,000,000 housing units in four years; enhance federal support for municipal services for immigrants and international and domestic refugees; end private and cruel/unusual prisons, and force all prisons to be safe, healthy and habitable; eliminate homelessness; and make "housing as a human right."

Set up an Infrastructure Bank to fund both domestic and foreign projects, compete with China's Belt and Road Initiatives, and make Environmental, human rights, health and safety tied to favorable loan packages (ideally to countries where migrants come from to reduce economic migrants).  Do this by imitating UK and setting up a Sovereign Wealth Fund.  "International Infrastructure Initiatives" (III)

Harder to say and less catchy than "Drill, baby, drill," but: 'Restrict drilling permits to existing leasing areas, require all wells to be precisely mapped (this is Colorado's) into a public database, including ownership, and all leaking wells must be remediated by owners/operators.'  Restart funding for The Green New Deal, Fund the EPA with fines from gross, flagrant and obvious violators, and "Clear the Air."

"Acknowledge Climate Change," and overfund FEMA, NOAA, NSF, NIH, the Cancer Moonshot, CDC, the sciences et. al.  Expand the EPA to define Methane and CO2 as regulatable substances after basic biological emissions are accounted for.  Further, fund Climate Change mitigation and the EPA with formulation of Carbon tax, Methane tax, and a Toxicity taxes on all manufacturers including of electricity based upon a nationally agreed OMB published standard Benefit-Cost Analysis calculating the implied costs to land values, society and environment.  Use some of the toxicity tax proceeds to mitigate and remediate the millions of wells, tens of thousands of abandoned mines, and thousands of clean-up sites in the US. Plan and Fund workforce accordingly, set a goal of 50% fewer clean-up sites in five years, and end all gross tortfeasership.

"Factual Labeling," Require the highest FDA standards for labeling laws for domestic and imports in the World; proper labeling in lieu of tariffs, major ingredients and nutrition values are labelled en real, however all ingredients must be disclosed via QR code on packaging, etc.; every ingredient must be on file sourced and defined; if chemicals then full names, all secondary chemicals must also be indicated; & nutritional values must be expanded, articulated and standardized.  Expand the USDA inspection system verifying label information. Start a National Underwriters Laboratory for Consumer Products -from cleaning, to auto, to fruit pesticides, to frozen dinners- to ensure all the chemicals and foodstuffs on the marketplaces can be safely enjoyed, used, and combined (purposefully or accidentally) in good health. Join the metric system.

Lower requirements for WIC and SNAP, reform the Department of Agriculture to 1. establish National Organic and Sustainable standards for International Designation, 2. begin subsidizing small- and mid-scale Organic, Tilth and Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture, in lieu of mono-crop mega-farming, and 3. Assist in low interest loans to increase family-owned and operated Organic and Sustainable farms by 500,000 in four years.  "Lower grocery prices with fresh local supply!"

In international business and trade, the USA argument in favor of free health care is that our competitors have an unfair advantage in that their businesses are subsidized by the Government, and ours are not. Install single-payor insurance for Universal Health Care; Fund CHP, IHS, Community Health Centers, et al. until UHC takes over all programs; Universal School Lunch, locally sourced; in other words make "Clean Air, Clean Water, Good Food and Health Care as a human right."

Restore the 1991 Ukrainian border, and demand Russia cease and desist through ICJ cooperation, and settle with the Russian regime in exchange for the 1. reestablishing peace, 2. offers for financial assistance, 3. lifting of freezes, 4. ending sanctions, and 5. reducing tariffs. Support the 'two-state solution' in Israel, organize International Peace conferences, and cooperate with UK, EU, and all allies to work cooperatively with all parties to restore Palestinian Gaza.  Start by ending trade wars by negotiating the end of most tariffs.  Offer military truce during negotiations.  "Negotiate International Peace!"

"General Free Trade," lift most all tariffs and some sanctions, all imports and exports must label source (with the same QR code on file process as described above for foodstuff, and drugs) components or materials to enforce sanctions effectively, with targeted limited tariffs and sanctions reserved for egregious violators of Human Rights and violations of Peace Treaties. Fully Legalize cannabis to enable proper taxation, regulation and interstate commerce.

"Workers Rights," to Unionize, for Paternity Leave, Raise the National Minimum Wage to $17/hr. Add 15% raise for Social Security and disability recipients immediately, and ease disability and unemployment qualification requirements. Establish a sub-Department to oversee Senior, Disabled and Retiree benefits.

Split VA into two: First integrate some duties back into the military bureaucracy, then open a Department of Peace to oversee all peace efforts, but also to oversee benefits to anyone who can claim privation from the USA, US Military or Department of Defense and the endless missions to settle them until the USA has no claimants or legitimate claims against her; grant relief payments to dishonorably discharged military service persons under specific liberal circumstances; and raise military benefits by 15% over two or three years. Second, Harmonize the VA Health system as specialists for Military, active duty and retired, with the Universal Health Care system.

"Direct Democracy," Create a Cabinet level department 'of Technology' to streamline government using technology, manage and regulate technology including Cyber security, Social Media, VPNs, AI, etc., and operate a transparent modern public central national computer database system designed to allow each citizen: 1. to "vote" in informal Direct Democracy on any topic and such information is sent to their appropriate representatives as information, 2. file claims, make freedom of information requests, or complaints, 3. send ideas or requests, 4. Get official information, register to vote and file taxes electronically, and 5. to view their own official and private "file," and request any true corrections.

Reinstate pre-1980 Broadcast Standards for any organization to be credentialed national press, and considered legally advertised 'national news;' as part of "campaign finance reform," reinstate 'fair time' requirements for broadcasters requiring all National political parties that poll above 3% to have fair air time on any national news station licensed by the FCC; Ban Nazism, espousing outright fascism, symbols, salutes, etc. and issue standards for prosecution of such crimes, but also how to parody, portray dramatically, and describe NAZI and neo-Nazi activities in a timely manner; expand Government Departmental and Inter-departmental Social Media use for external communications, and regulate Artificial Intelligence, Large Social Media Conglomerates, Monopolies and Industry Price Manipulations. Overfund Public Broadcasting, National Endowment for the Arts, International State Sponsored media, et. al., and offer free social media and computer literacy training for all.

As per the 2nd, "Regulate" with National Guns License; end weapons of war being treated as "regulatable arms," exempted from the Individual Rights granted under the 2nd Amendment; because Weapons of Warfare, available for use against the State, it's Ministers, including Peace Officers, are for use by the State alone in Common Defense, not for private unregulated militia, or individuals, regulated or unregulated. The founders whether 1776 or 1865 did not intend ships cannons to be used by individuals in domestic fence line disputes gone awry requiring some legal form of civil self defense.

Run an Administration that doesn't lie, but operates an excellent CIA. Grants privacy, but protects and serves wherever the facts go for the FBI. Makes naturalization, security and internal coordination easier, comprehensive and considerate with a reformed DHS. Operates a well- trained, paid and staffed, humane Immigration and Customs Enforcement, including opening up Custom Houses at all ports of entry, where, amongst other enhanced diplomatic functions, claims of entry may be formally made in a timely manner, in person.

"End Citizens United," by Congress making it necessary under the 14th Amendment to have dna in order to be considered a person, hence citizen, and therefore invalidate the finding that Corporations are citizens with free speech right of unlimited undisclosed campaign contributions.  Then if money equals free speech, and I as an individual have unlimited free speech, therefore the corporations owe me infinity money in compensation? 

Rather, totally new game, "Campaign Finance Reform:" limit all annual campaign contributions to a maximum of $20,000, no tax deductions, to any number of candidates (municipal, local, state, and federal) by any one citizen-taxpayer (you must file taxes individually or jointly [no corporate entities {end all tax free 501 status} may contribute]. Payee-Dependents must make contributions in the name of their Taxpayor-Dependencies that counts towards maximum contribution limit of the taxpayer[s] in order to donate politically) per year; therefore only US American Citizens can donate with taxpayer ID; donations pledges may be garnered at any time by Politician; but may only receive funds during the 180-day annual election Season, which ends four days before Election Day, which ends for all Federal elections as a National Holiday on the fifth day (official start of campaign 185 days prior and this first 180-day funding period should be the only time politicians can accept direct contributions) before "Voting Day;" and all political donations must be transparent and publicly available in a timely record by the 182nd day, with corrections published by the 184th day for full disclosure of all donors, per candidate, for final day to vote the 185th day.  Also all the other voter access bills in the works.

Enact the ERA, enshrine reproductive liberties, and confirm, uphold and declare all sexes, gender identities and consensual unions are equal under law, amending the 14th Amendment. "Reinstate 'Roe.'"

"Supreme Court Reforms," Appoint four new Supreme Court judges, assigning one to each Circuit, with Chief Justice left in charge of The Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit.  Install a fifteen year Term limit for Chiefs, eighteen for Justices, and the Chief must be hired only from within the existing remaining Justices timely.  Impose the same Federal Ethics for Supreme Justices as all other Federal Justices, impeach accordingly. 13 Ethical Term-limited Supreme Court Justices with clear lines for impeachment from either the Executive or the Legislative goes some way to restore the balance of the triumvirate of powers.

'Streamline the Pentagon,' "A Smart Nation is an Intelligent One!"  Addition to above Counterintelligence Optimization (reduced waste, fraud and abuse), also Transfer 2% of the National Spending from remainder of Defense budget to (Rebuild and) Overfund Department of Education, pay off everyone's student loan debt as a single settler.  Low and no-cost "GI Bill for All!" University or College, reform endowment tax treatment as below, harmonize and set reasonably agreed to National Academic Standards, including accurate multi-cultural, diverse and robust explorations of the agreed (*eliminate arbitrary and capricious or counterevidential challenges by sub-par scholastics who composed gems, like, 'Slaves enjoyed learning valuable skills in exchange for their work,' as counter-argumentative fact, or those who ban books not supporting cis gender straight characters in normative situations) facts from history and how they fit into our Civics, like the 14th Amendment. Make a teacher's National Minimum Wage Scale that is portable Nationally, and includes the calculation for honorable time served in the public system. Implement 'First Five' Universal pre-K recommendations, have permission slip based book check out from public libraries for minors in lieu of banning legitimate* books, and overfund libraries.

Overfund all these government proposals primarily with a "Progressive Set-tax:" yearly, all NET Income received from earnings, trades, and dividends, foreign and domestic, accumulating ingress to any taxpaying entity (Individual, Business, or Non-profit, including Religious) between: $0-25k 0%; 25-150k 5%; 150-450k 10%; 450-1mm 15%; 1-5mm 20%; 5-25mm 21%; 25-100mm 25%; 100-499 mm 28%; and everything earned annually above $500,000,000 is 30%... no loopholes, no tax breaks, and most every taxpayer has a Calendar year filing (Fiscal year filings, deductions for expenses, and extraordinary activities require forms. Natural and obvious deductions from gross profit, like a business paying a worker salary, and other Costs of Goods Sold, still remain, but are are handled through streamlined forms and checked and expedited via national computer records). 

These are net tax rates per bundle/traunch set (so an effective gross rate for taxpayer who accumulated earning $500,000 p.a. it would be 8.75% in paid taxation, a tax reduction for most) approved for ten years by 2/3 majority of both chambers of Congress to be adjusted only for inflation in years 3 and 7. This effectively lowers taxes for about 85% of the Nation; makes about 65% of tax returns a simple signature affidavit verifying all automatically reported income- no more than signing a postcard sent by the IRS in February- closing loopholes means most other forms simplify or disappear; slows the velocity of the public markets to be value biased, but ensures conservation of value, long term vision and fair pay from the very wealthy. 'Everyone plays by the same knowable set of fair rules!'

"Fiscal Conservation after Appropriate Taxation."  With all the toxicity and emissions taxes, closed loopholes, excess growth, economic expansion, savings from optimization, including savings from single buyer-payor reforms, we can end the budget deficits, pay off debts, never have to raise the debt ceiling again, and build, manufacture and export our way out of Trade imbalance via free trade, and fund the entire wish list above! 

Progressivism, for lack of a better term, is a peaceful vision of an economy growing itself out of the problems, advancing technologically, and improving quality of life, general happiness, and justice for everyone around in an environmentally recovering, restored, and habitable World.

Any vision with appropriate regulations (you need clear comprehensive regulations to ensure a "free-market," counter-intuitively) grows the needs-based economy accurately into a 'wants-based' abundance, fills the coffers, and makes us more competitive.  The Free Market is a social exercise, it rewards our International Allies. 'You can't have a Free Market without good cooperation and regulation!'

Conclusion. I think this Agenda transcends cultures, generations and even political affiliation, when viewed as a complete recipe for a robust progressive economic expansion: enabling the younger generations an opportunity to thrive; taking care of the elderly, disabled and inveterate; reinstatement of historical norms and precedents; and the ideal for a Government 'of the People, by the People, and for the People' that takes good care of ALL it's people from cradle to cradle

Socially Liberal; Fiscally Conservative; Environmental... Yes!

Whatever you label me, I have here the reflection from the pool of Narcissus, a platform ready for the opposition, whoever they might become, that is the stuff of MAGA Republican nightmares!