Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My next cause: Gilda's Club Nashville

As many who know me, and follow what I post on the web, already know, my sister is combatting breast cancer. I am happy to report that she has gotten through the first of three "events" in the Triathalon of Cancer Treatment.

She has completed the chemotherapy and for now the stage three tumors in her breast have been reduced to almost undetectable. That said she still has to face (possible double) mastectomy and then radiation therapy-- the other two "events" in successfully overcoming her cancer.

I am somewhat powerless in my current situation, here in the Bay Area, and my sister and her family over in Nashville, TN. Literally thousands of people have demonstrated an outpouring of support for them, and done everything from household chores to contributing money to just being there during some particularly tough times. I THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS THUSFAR VOLUNTEERED EVEN AN IOTA OF SUPPORT (EVEN SIMPLE PRAYERS)!

There is still quite a tough row to hoe, but I want to share what my latest fundraising project is. About three or four months ago my niece's, her daughters, petitioned some of us to buy bracelet kits so they could then assemble the bracelets for sale-- the profits would go to a non-profit where they would frequently get to go for activities, support, and fun with other children whose families are facing the disaster of cancer directly.

I learned that this was one of the several support vehicles my sister's family was taking full advantage of, and learned a little more about what resources they provide-- not just in Nashville!

Google Gilda's Club for yourself, but this was founded in honor of Gilda Radner of SNL fame who was taken too soon from us by cancer. This support mechanism is unique, and I had already planned on going to Nashville for my sister's birthday, and to run the (NCM) Country Music Half Marathon.

I reached out to Deb over at Nashville Gilda's Club to offer my run as a vehicle to raise funds and awareness-- thinking it was my idea. She sent me the forms to join the other hundred plus people who are participating in the NCM and raising funds for Gilda's Gang.

Please when you have a moment, a bit of time, and a little money sponsor me for less than $2 per mile to be run:


With Gratitude,
Josh Kilvington

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