Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Personal 3rd Memorial Project

As most of my friends already know, my stepbrother passed away three years ago from Prostate Cancer. He was 36, and first met him when he wasn't yet three years old as my Mom and his Dad (now my Father, for all intents and purposes) were dating.

As his barely older stepbrother, I watched and witnessed much of his life half-lived, if ever fully and with a special connexion to the Earth, and how that ended with the tragedy of profound illness.

A genuine humanitarian, he was more often than not something of a defiant optimist, or at least pleasant pessimist. He was always learning and growing as his comprehension and measure of the world expanded. And all, to whom I have talked to since his passing, who may have only merely even met him, remember the strong impression he left – most would say he was a purposeful and friendly person.

As tragic as the whole saga was, there is still a lot we can do for people here and now.

In a blog before the elections, I began training for a 10K and started to raise funds for a Memorial Race in honor of my stepbrother.

But that was postponed until somewhere into Spring of 2011, and last I heard they may turn it into some other type of event (like rock climbing)?

So, as part of my goal setting exercises for 2011, I found a solution that allows me to continue the physical training I need to work on for my short, mid, and long-term goals, and continues to raise funds and awareness for ZERO and all the good work they are doing to combat Prostate Cancer.

Here it is:

I have, as I write this, on the third anniversary of my stepbrother’s passing, the goal of raising another $240 by year's end, and that would make an even $500 for this year; then I would like to try and raise another $2000 through to April 2nd, 2011, when I plan on running (either a 10K or half-marathon) trail race; and finally my tentative goal is to be fit enough to run a trail marathon for mid-September – and complete this fund-raising project for ZERO by raising a final $2500 – a Total of $5000 in one year!

I know with your help I can do it, but for me the important thing was to find an activity (trail running) that I am enjoying and make goals that met those needs, too.

I then have the privilege to know my getting healthy has not only purpose, but that everyone who has already chipped (and who will chip) in is part of my Team!

Thank you very much for your support, and Happy Holidays!!


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