Monday, June 2, 2008

Second Example (of American Logical Fallacy)

(Fallacies in Parenthesis)

Senator Barack Obama, by withdrawing from Trinity United Church, has shown us all that he is a man of uncompromising principle.

Obama took care to praise Trinity's work to "help the hungry and homeless and people in need of medical care" and said he had "tremendous regard" for Moss.

"But it's clear that now that I am a candidate for president, every time something is said in the church by any one associated with Trinity, including guest pastors, the remarks will be imputed to me even if they totally conflict with my long held views, statements and principles," Obama said.

What character! What resolve! What manly courage to hew true to his principle in the face of difficulty. (Ad hominum AND Fake precision)

That principle, of course, is the principle of self-promotion. (Illicit Process)

Obama may profess any number of principles and values, but it is clear now to all Americans that his highest value is himself, and his firmest conviction is in self-promotion. There is no storm that Obama will not weather, no battle he will not fight, no challenger he will not stare down in order to be true to his principle of Obama Shall Prevail. (Non Causa Pro Causa)

Let us review.

This is the man's church for over twenty years.

The pastor that he renounced is the man he called his spiritual mentor, who married him and his wife, who baptized his children.

He is resigning the church, not because of fundamental schism with the theology of the church, but because of politics:

Well, you know, after the National Press Club episode, as I said, I had a long conversation with Michelle and also had a long conversation with Reverend Moss. We prayed on it and you know, my interest has never been to try to politicize this or put the church in a position where is subject to the same rigors and demands of a presidential campaign. My suspicion at that time, and Michelle, I think, shared this concern, was that it was going to be very difficult to continue our membership there so long as I was running for president.

Furthermore, Obama wants us to back off:

I don’t think anybody can suggest that I have really tried to make this work because I have cared about my relationship to the people of that church, who I care for very deeply.

O rly? Watch me. I suggest that you don't care about your relationship to the people of that church. I suggest that you would sell every single one of your fellow congregants down the river if that would get you one more vote. Oh wait! You just did that! (Appeal to Consequences)

I have a fractious relationship with my church, a fairly liberal congregation in the PCUSA. I won't resign it, though, and I haven't been there for TWENTY years. Because the Church is more than just what the pastor says. The church is a collection of people, men and women who I'm getting to know better every week, who I've gotten to know. We have a relationship together based on our common faith -- even if we should have theological differences from time to time.

The church, Senator Obama, is not a social club. If you are really a Christian, then the church is an incredibly important spiritual community. It isn't easy to find one, but once you do, it had better be something damn important to make you leave it. (No True Scotsman)

The ONLY valid reason to leave a church is when you feel that your faith demands it of you. When the teachings of the church, when the beliefs of the community of believers, are so out of whack with what you believe religiously, spiritually, that the church endangers your relationship with God and imperils your immortal soul. (No True Scotsman)

You left your church of TWENTY YEARS over... politics? Over your campaign for President? Because the ministers said vile things you don't agree with? (Assuming that you're being honest about your shock, shock at finding anti-Americanism in your church, that is.) (Begging The Question)

This was your spiritual home, man. Your spiritual family. Your brothers and sisters in Christ. (Emotional Appeal)

Or... maybe not:

That’s not the role of church. My — again what I want to do in church is I want to be able to take Michelle and my girls, sit in a pew quietly, hopefully get some nice music, some good reflection, praise God, thank Him for all of the blessings He has given our family, put some money in the collection plate, maybe afterwards go out and grab some brunch, have my girls go to Sunday school. That’s what I am looking for.

Senator Obama is a man of principle.

He will not flinch to make the tough decisions to further his principle. If that means ditching your spiritual home of 20 years, in order to advance the principle of Obama Uber Alles, then he can, will, and in this case, has done it. (Argumentum ad Nazium)

My question is... if he can ditch his church, his spiritual home for twenty years, filled with friends and coreligionists with whom he had prayed and worshipped over two decades, and he can do that over poll numbers... what will he NOT ditch for politics? (Question-Begging Analogy)

What will he not abandon to uphold his principle of self-promotion and self-glorification? (Anecdotal Fallacy)

Senator Obama is a man of principle.