Sunday, February 15, 2009


So I haven't been anywhere in Cyberspace for well over a month... I barely had time and energy to make that little quip about Cheney.

Reason why: I have completed the first draft and first edit of a two hundred (or so) page book on Macro Economics.

The book is meant to be readable and modestly entertaining, but in fact is an exposition in Philosophical thought on economics which allows the reader to follow an argument I have been thinking for over twenty years now, but had allowed myself to be convinced by the "trickle-downers" that theirs was a system that worked.

Well that horse has left the barn, and the fly in the ointment is a obvious as the emperors new clothes. Sorry, had to puke out a couple of over used cliches, which I tried to avoid in the book, with the exception of two, for which I directly apologize to the reader having (in less than one months writing) only come up with those relatively apt descriptions to hasten the readability.

I would have loved to spend ten years instead writing some needlessly complex book which makes obscure and practical example of the thought so espoused in this work, but morally I felt the compuncture to instead make an effort to shift the dialogue we are presently trapped in with our current economic state of affairs.

All that said, I am hanging in there, wish you all the best, and hope to publish the book as a final draft by March.

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