Thursday, April 2, 2009

Excerpt #1

The book should be available very soon, but in any event I wanted to blog some excerpts as a teaser, and/or to clarify this work of which I am proud.

First excerpt from the Foreword of Metaeconomics: Market Evolution Intuited from Practical Lessons of the Past and Present; A Treatise on the Philosophy of Economics / J. W. Kilvington – 1st ed. Copyright 2009 Kilvington Enterprises All Rights Reserved (contact for permissions):

By September 17th, everything I thought I knew about Economics was destroyed, and yet made almost clear—as if all the gloss and polymer that never quite made sense about Economics had suddenly gotten out of my way from obstructing a view to truth.

The rabid free-marketeers were gladly going on the government dole like the much decried “welfare mother’s”; the red meat capitalists approximated red flag communists in their approach to problem solving; and in my entire lifetime it had been repeatedly explained that because an individual is responsible for their station in life as we are a meritocracy, the poor are the poor for a reason, and don’t deserve any of that precious tax money from the government.

All these now proven to be argumentum ad nauseam.

To say a thing over and over is not to have necessarily to have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt its truth and validity.

Nixonian cum Reaganomic cum Bushian trickle down theory to dismantle the state edifice of Keynesian New Deal and Great Society systems had officially and irrevocably failed.

The poor were always poor. Carter attempted to swim upstream, and got stagflation. Clinton made a nice presentation piece of the trickle down theories, and did improve the social netting—repairing holes in which people were falling through. But by also opening up new loopholes that added to our current state of affairs the rich kept getting richer.

I have harbored doubts about the circular logic of the trickle down system, its shortcomings, and now its bright line failures—more nationalization of private assets in 2008 USA than 1917 Russia its outcome!

What was the difference between Communist Russia and the obscene display of cowardice by the financial elites last year? Russia privatized means of production, as Marx and the other German Communists prescribed, but the Republicans under Paulson-Bush-Cheney privatized failure!

The lack of judgment, foresight, ability, competence, skill, expertise, ethics, integrity, and any notion or public sense of the higher good was underwritten to the tune of over $3,400,000,000,000 in the waning days of Bush II, a.k.a. “W,” and their cronyistic, nepotistic, and ceaselessly corrupt sense of self service.

That stain shall make irreparable the old ways of the supposed free-marketeer, which we can now see clearly tolerating such massive and self-serving corporations in your market and country is the same as harboring a Pirate in among your shores and counting their loot as part of the regular (taxable) economy—when in fact foul ways are clearly a disruption to the economy for those abiding the rules!

So from my supremely under educated vantage, yet speaking from patient practical experience, I shall attempt to describe my observations of what truly needs to happen to create economic systems wherein: I.) Humen are ensured Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; II.) Free Markets can exist; and III.) Anyone can play and succeed in Business upon their efforts, merits and good behavior.

I pray this my work can continue the dialogue necessary in this nation and our world to provide Peace and Prosperity to all who would ask for it.

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